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Yes! I will make a recurring gift to support AWF’s strategic efforts to ensure our wildlife, water, and wild places continue to thrive.


Note: All supporters who donate $30 or more per year will receive our quarterly print magazine, Arizona Wildlife News, monthly E-News updates, and exclusive offers and opportunities.

The Arizona Wildlife Federation was founded by people like you, sportspeople and outdoor enthusiasts, almost a century ago.  We were, and still are, conservationists who fight for the future of Arizona's wildlife and wild places.  But our work isn't done.  In fact, today our wildlife and outdoor places face pressures like never before. 

Please join us with your commitment to protect Arizona's rich outdoor legacy for the next hundred years.

Conservationists like you make all the difference. Your support helps restore habitats, keeps science at the forefront of wildlife management, and ensures that legislators in Arizona and Washington D.C. don’t forget our wildlife and its importance to our heritage, enjoyment, and economy. Your gift also ensures our wildlife legacy by getting the next generation outdoors so they learn to cherish, steward, and advocate for wildlife in the years to come. 

Thank you! Your secure, tax-deductible donation to Arizona Wildlife Federation conserves our state’s wildlife, water, and wild places for today and generations to come.

Arizona Wildlife Federation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your donations are tax deductible (talk to your tax adviser). Check out our profile on Guidestar.

Arizona Wildlife Federation

PO Box 1182,  Mesa, AZ 85211
(480) 702-1365

The Arizona Wildlife Federation is a Registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.

EIN# 86-0076994

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