Champion of Conservation, Chair Liz Archuleta, Honored for Her Leadership
The Arizona Wildlife Federation presented the new Chair of Coconino County Board of Supervisors with an award recognizing her extensive track record of conservation leadership.
Flagstaff, AZ (May 5, 2020) — The Arizona Wildlife Federation (AWF) honored Liz Archuleta, Chair of the Coconino County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, May 5th for her dedication, service and leadership relating to her work in conservation.

“Supervisor Archuleta has been a true conservation leader for her community and we are proud to recognize her achievements,” said Scott Garlid, Executive Director of Arizona Wildlife Federation. He continued, “From her leadership addressing the massive impacts from the Schultz fire and floods to raising awareness on the impacts of climate change to Arizona’s communities, she continues to show all Arizonans what effective and dedicated leadership looks like.”
Chair Archuleta has been on the front lines of climate change, leading her community to deal with the effects of intense wildfires and the resulting floods. She educates other community leaders on the importance of adequately planning and allocating resources for these crisis events.
Among other accomplishments, Chair Archuleta has also chaired the Public Lands Committee at the National Association of Counties and has been a tireless advocate for public land conservation. She continues to ensure people understand that the Latinx community has centuries-old connections to our lands and through those cultural connections they remain strong stewards for conservation.
Archuleta is also a founder of the non-profit HECHO (Hispanics Enjoying Camping and Hunting in the Outdoors) and promotes positive experiences outdoors for all Arizonans.
“Like the rest of Arizona, the citizens of Coconino County are currently struggling to deal with the impacts of a global pandemic and they will be well served by the leadership of Liz Archuleta as she assumes the chair of the Coconino County Board of Supervisors during these difficult times,” added Garlid.
Arizona Wildlife Federation encourages you to urge our leaders to act on climate. Send your letter here:
We thank Representatives Tom O'Halleran and Ann Kirkpatrick for being climate champions and we urge Senators Sinema and McSally to take bold leadership in bring climate solutions into national action.
See the earned media in the Arizona Daily Sun: