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December 1, 2024

Dear Friend of the AWF,

We’ve heard from many community members that the transformation of the Arizona Wildlife Federation — and its impact — from January 2019 (when we had just a single full time staff member) until today (we now have six!) has been phenomenal. We agree, and we also know the costs associated with this growth.

  • 5 years ago we had 1 education program. TODAY we have 7 programs serving women, youth, underserved communities, brand-new hunters, the general public, and stakeholders from all sectors. We are inspiring the Arizona citizens who will defend its wildlife and habitats far into the future.

  • 5 years ago our work with the legislature was limited to phone calls, letters, and a couple of meetings with decision-makers. TODAY our full-time Advocacy and Conservation Director won a Leader of the Year in Public Policy Award and our Camo at the Capitol day of advocacy engaged more than 20 legislators. We are marshaling support to protect Arizona’s treasures – and the decision-makers are listening to us like never before.

  • 5 years ago 6 affiliates had joined forces with us because they recognized that we are poised to do what no other organization in the state can do. TODAY we have 16 affiliates. All together these organizations represent more than 250,000 Arizonans with a shared vision for the state. We are the voice for that vision.

  • 5 years ago our public education efforts consisted of our quarterly Arizona Wildlife News magazine. TODAY our channels include a strong social media presence, a twice-monthly podcast with 30,000+ downloads, a twice-monthly e-news sent to 5,000+ addresses, a monthly blog, and a completely revamped Arizona Wildlife News. You need a conservation issue publicized or amplified? We can do that.

  • 5 years ago we led no boots-on-the-ground conservation projects. TODAY, our volunteers work closely with the Desert Fence Busters to remove miles of barbed wire fencing from the landscape and our Cash for Conservation program has funded more than $15,000 of conservation projects for our affiliates. With your support, we can do even more.

Please Give Today!

We can only sustain this new version of the Arizona Wildlife Federation with your donations in support of our shared work.

Want to learn more about our work in 2023-2024?  Have a look at our Annual Impact Report!

Arizona ranks among the top five states in the U.S. when it comes to the total number of native bird, reptile and mammal species — more than 800 overall. But threats to our wildlife, wild places, and public lands put Arizona at risk.

Dedicated to conserving Arizona's wildlife, wild places, and public lands for all since 1923

Our Work in Arizona

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Business Partners

Arizona Wildlife Federation

PO Box 1182,  Mesa, AZ 85211
(480) 702-1365

The Arizona Wildlife Federation is a Registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.

EIN# 86-0076994

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