Many outdoors people, including hunters, anglers, hikers, and bikers have seen the effects of climate change on Arizona with their own eyes. Family-favorite places have been lost to wildfires, rivers and streams diminished due to drought, and each year, more supplemental water is needed to support many of our wildlife populations. The good news? We already have the tools to combat climate change – all that’s lacking is the willpower of decision makers. That’s where AWF comes in. We are uniquely positioned to use our science-based, nonpartisan approach to make sure Arizona is doing its part to help solve this crisis of a lifetime and restore the problems this crisis has already created for hunters and anglers. We believe our state can be a leader on climate action in this country, but we need to come together to advocate for clean air, renewable energy, and other common-sense policies that will benefit our neighborhoods, parks, and wildlife habitats. The science is clear on what we need to do.
We must transition to cleaner, less-polluting forms of energy. Oil, gas, coal and other fossil fuel development degrade and fragment habitat and exacerbate climate stressors for wildlife. A serious effort to reduce climate pollution must include investing in clean, wildlife-friendly energy sources such as on and offshore wind, solar, sustainable bioenergy, and geothermal. |